
Viking Experience

On Wednesday 16th September 2020, Year 3 and 4 (Owls Class) went back in time to AD 793 when Thor the Viking came to our school.  We were ready - all dressed as Vikings of course, with helmets, swords, jewellery and tunics secured with broaches, just like Vikings. Some of us said we felt like real Vikings that day - Mrs Lockwood and Mrs Barbrooke even had beards!
We found out which European countries the Vikings came from (Scandinavia) and where they invaded and settled in Britain.  We saw how Viking coins were made, collected facts about Viking life which we were quizzed on later and examined artifacts - a drinking horn, bowl, cauldron and wild boar skin rug.  
One highlight of the day was when Thor showed us how sharp his sword was by slicing a melon.  We ended with a battle - the girls won on strategy.  We featured in the local paper after a photographer recorded aspects of the day and we wrote amazing descriptions of what we had done and learnt about Vikings.  This hands- on experience has raised our thirst for Viking knowledge even more, as we continue this intriguing historical period in our lessons.