
School Lunches

School dinners are planned to ensure children receive all the necessary nutrition that they need as they grow and develop. Meals are provided daily by Aspens Catering on a 3-week rolling menu. The menus for the Autumn 23/Spring 2024 terms can be found below.

From September 2014 the Government’s “Universal Infant Free School Meals” policy entitles all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 to be eligible for free school meals.

The current cost of a school meal for children in Years 3 to 6 is £2.60 and dinner monies must always be paid for in advance of the meal being taken. 


Dinners can be paid for using the Parent Portal or Arbor App. All parents will have an account with Arbor to enable them to do this. Please contact the school office if you need any assistance with this.

Free School Meals

If you think you may be eligible to apply for free school meals, please see below for more information

Healthy Packed Lunches:

If you would prefer, you can send a packed lunch into school for your child. Please make sure that your child has a lunch box marked with their name. Packed lunches are eaten alongside school meals under supervision in the school hall. We encourage healthy eating and therefore ask that you do not send into school confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets. We also ask that no fizzy drinks are brought into school. 

Please provide items that your child can open independently and avoid foods that are hard to manage. It is helpful if you make a snip in the wrapper of tightly packaged items. Drinking water is provided at lunchtimes for all children.

School Milk:

We are able to provide a 189ml portion of low-fat or lactose reduced milk for your child during break, if requested to do so. This will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but will also bridge the gap between meals to help them stay focussed. This will be provided free to children under 5 years of age or those receiving income-related free school meals, not Universal Infant Free School Meals (UFSM). Milk will be subsidised for those children aged between 5 – 11 years old at an estimated cost around £18 per term.

In order for your child to receive a daily carton of milk, you will be required to register with Cool Milk. The staff in the school office have more details or you can find out more online by following this link:

Cool Milk - Information for Parents

Free School Meals:

If you are in receipt of benefits, your child may be entitled to free school meals. To find out more information about free school meals, to check your eligibility and to apply, please visit Free School Meals - Suffolk County Council.