

School Clothing
We require all children to wear school uniform. 
The school colours are royal blue, white and grey. In the winter children wear grey trousers, skirts or pinafores, white shirts or blouses, and royal blue school sweatshirts. In the summer blue gingham dresses,  grey shorts and polo shirts may be worn.
PE kit should consist of a white T-shirt, black or navy shorts and trainers in a bag.  All children need an overall for art and craft activities. An adult’s old T-shirt with a tab for hanging up is perfectly suitable. Swimming kit (including a hat for long hair) will also be required if swimming forms part of the curriculum for your child..
All clothing must be named, preferably with sewn-in labels. Finally we ask that trainers are NOT worn for school, although children are allowed to wear them for playing games at playtime if they wish. We also ask that children have a pair of named Wellington boots that can be left at school. These may be used for gardening and also during playtimes when it has been wet.
All uniform can be purchased from Brigade Clothing Ltd, our uniform supplier.  Please visit their website at www.brigade.uk.com.  However all items do not need to be branded.
Orders placed with Brigade are delivered to the school free of charge twice a month. Home delivery is also an option for a small charge.